How to Obtain Airsoft Guns in Australia?

When it comes to airsoft guns in Australia, the legal landscape varies from state to state. In Queensland and South Australia, possession and use of airsoft guns, BB guns, and gel blasters are allowed without a firearms license or permit. However, in all other states and territories, including New South Wales (NSW), these types of guns are considered “firearms” and require proper licensing.

Defining Airsoft Guns and Regulations

  • Airsoft guns, BB guns, and gel blasters are powered by springs or compressed air and propel projectiles without explosives.
  • In NSW, these guns are defined as “firearms” under the Firearms Act 1996 (NSW).
  • Firearm possession or use without a valid license can lead to imprisonment.

Licensing and Permits

To legally possess airsoft guns in NSW, you need to obtain a firearms license or permit:

  • Licenses require a “genuine reason,” such as sports or target shooting, but self-defense is not considered valid.
  • Permits may be granted for legitimate reasons like film or theatrical productions.
  • Applicants must meet the requirements outlined in sections 10, 11, 12, and 29 of the Firearms Act.

Safe Keeping and Storage

After acquiring a license or permit, you must adhere to strict safekeeping and storage regulations:

  • Take precautions to prevent theft or unauthorized access to the firearm.
  • Specific storage conditions apply depending on the license type.
  • Transporting the firearm requires temporary incapability and secure storage.

Possessing or using airsoft guns without proper licensing is a serious offense in NSW:

  • Penalties range from 4 to 10 years imprisonment, depending on the nature of the offense.
  • The unlicensed sale of prohibited firearms carries a 10-year non-parole period.

The Complexities of Airsoft Laws

Australia’s strict importation laws and varying state regulations make airsoft ownership a complex matter:

  • Most states prohibit airsoft guns due to the lack of genuine reasons like approved firing ranges.
  • Some models are banned outright, while others fall under restricted categories.
  • The Northern Territory has more relaxed rules, but a firearms license is still required.

The Challenge of Definition

Airsoft guns face classification as firearms based on broad definitions, impacting their legality:

  • Appearance often determines categorization, leading to issues with replicas of military weapons.
  • Narrow definitions and appearance-based criteria can classify airsoft guns as Category D firearms.

The Future of Airsoft in Australia

The airsoft community in Australia is striving to gain recognition and legal status:

  • Airsoft Sydney is working towards legitimizing airsoft as a sport across all states.


1. Can I legally possess airsoft guns in Australia without a license?

No, except in Queensland and South Australia. In other states and territories, including New South Wales (NSW), possessing or using airsoft guns without a valid firearms license or permit is illegal.

2. What are the penalties for possessing or using airsoft guns without a valid license?

Penalties vary, but unlicensed possession or use of airsoft guns can result in imprisonment, ranging from 4 to 10 years, depending on the offense. The sale of unlicensed prohibited firearms carries a 10-year non-parole period.

Airsoft Sydney and other enthusiasts are advocating for the recognition of airsoft as a legitimate sport across all states in Australia. They aim to navigate the legal complexities and promote airsoft as a recreational activity.


Obtaining airsoft guns in Australia is a complex endeavor due to varying state regulations and stringent firearms laws. While certain states permit ownership, most require licenses or permits, with strict adherence to storage and usage guidelines. Understanding the legal landscape is crucial for anyone interested in pursuing airsoft as a recreational activity.

Harrison Baxter
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